Phan’s Story of Faith | Phan 的見證

Before I accepted Christ, my life was marked by unhappiness and insecurity. I always longed for a loving family, but I never truly felt like I had one. As I grew older, I entered into a relationship and believed that I had found someone I could trust and love, but I was wrong. I felt deeply unhappy, miserable, and hurt.

One day, my friends brought me to a church that was quite different from what I had imagined. What drew my attention was the warm and friendly people, and I immediately felt loved. I continued attending this church and learned about the love of Jesus and how He sacrificed His life on the cross for me because He loves me. This type of sacrificial love truly touched my heart and was what I had been searching for my entire life.

From that point on, my life changed. Jesus lifted my sadness and filled my emptiness with the love of brothers and sisters that I had never experienced before.




“活潑的盼望” 信息系列Podcasts

“活潑的盼望” 信息系列 Podcasts
“Living Hope” Sermon

SINGLE SERMONS 2023 單篇信息 Podcasts

SERMON ARCHIVE 2021 – 2022 信息重溫

12/11/2022Mission Earth 3mp3ppt
12/04/2022Meeting in Galileemp3ppt
11/27/2022God’s Passionmp3ppt
11/20/2022Psalms 103mp3ppt
11/13/2022Mission Earth 2mp3ppt
11/06/2022Oakland Prayer Meetingmp3ppt
10/30/2022Mission Earthmp3ppt
10/23/2022Doreen Poland Sharingmp3ppt
10/16/2022Spiritual Giftmp3ppt
10/09/2022Building upon God’s gracemp3ppt
10/02/2022Prayer Meetingmp3ppt
09/25/202225th Anniversarymp3
09/18/2022Building upon God’s gracemp3ppt
09/11/2022All for Onemp3ppt
08/28/2022 Oakland 25th Anniversarymp3ppt
08/21/2022Knowing God, His Nature and Character 2mp3ppt
08/07/2022Experience the Power of Prayersmp3ppt
08/05/2022Be Wise in Making Decisionmp3ppt
07/31/2022Knowing God – His Nature & Character 1mp3ppt
07/24/2022Knowing God -Paulmp3ppt
07/22/2022Be Wise in Helping Othersmp3ppt
07/17/2022Knowing God- Mosesppt
07/10/2022James 5 How to Handle Wealthmp3ppt
07/03/2022Prayer Meeting Knowing Godmp3ppt
06/26/2022James 4 If the Lord is Willingmp3ppt
06/24/2022Be Wise in Healthmp3ppt
06/19/2022Speak No Evilmp3ppt
06/05/2022DU Promotionmp3ppt
05/29/2022James 4 Be a friend of Godmp3ppt
05/27/2022Wise in Using Timemp3ppt
05/22/2022James 3 制伏舌頭mp3ppt
05/08/2022The Life and Death Message of Resurrection 2mp3ppt
04/29/2022Be Wise in Workmp3
04/24/2022Poland Ministry Reportmp3ppt
04/17/2022The Life and Death Message of Resurrectionmp3ppt
04/10/2022James 2mp3ppt
04/03/2022Oakland Church Vision Sharingmp3ppt
3/27/2022Ukrainian Missionmp3ppt
3/18/2022Be Wise Growing Yourselfmp3ppt
3/13/2022James 2 IIFFmp3ppt
3/4/2022Be Wise in Talkmp3ppt
2/27/2022James 1 3Tmp3ppt
1/30/2022平靜安穩 mp3ppt
1/16/2022Draw Near to Godmp3ppt
1/9/2022New Year Resolutionmp3ppt
1/7/2022Love your family (non-Christian)mp3ppt
1/2/2022Prayer Meetingmp3ppt
12/5/2021Prayer Meetingmp3ppt
11/28/2021 與復活的主同活 3mp3 ppt
11/21/2021與復活的主同活 2mp3ppt
11/14/2021與復活的主同活 1mp3ppt
11/07/2021Prayer Meeting 平 穩 安 靜mp3ppt
10/31/2021 Fulfill What Has Been Entrusted Me 4mp3ppt
10/24/2021 Love Your Neighbormp3ppt
10/17/2021The Disciple Faithmp3ppt
10/10/2021Fulfill What Has Been Entrusted Me 3mp3ppt
09/26/2021Fulfill What Has Been Entrusted Me 2mp3ppt
09/19/2021Fulfill What Has Been Entrusted Memp3ppt
09/12/2021Disciple learnermp3ppt
09/05/2021Work as a Teammp3ppt
09/03/2021Cat’s InterviewYouTube
09/03/2021Witnessing for Godmp3ppt
08/29/2021Make Disciplesmp3ppt
08/22/2021Make Disciplesmp3ppt
08/20/2021Make Disciplesmp3ppt
08/08/2021Vision Seeing 2mp3ppt
08/01/2021Vision Seeingmp3ppt
07/18/2021Spiritual Habits – Worshipmp3ppt
07/11/2021Spiritual Habits – Bread Breaking3mp3ppt
07/04/2021Spiritual Habits – Bread Breaking2mp3ppt
06/27/2021Spiritual Habits – Bread Breakingmp3ppt
06/20/2021Spiritual Habits – Meeting 2mp3ppt
06/13/2021Spiritual Habits – Meeting 1mp3ppt
05/16/2021Spiritual Habits – Prayermp3ppt
05/09/2021Mother’s Daymp3ppt
04/25/2021Spiritual Habits – Reading Biblemp3ppt
04/18/2021Spiritual Habits – Reading Biblemp3ppt
01/22/2021The Great Commissionmp3ppt
01/08/2021Oakland 教會教會目標mp3ppt
01/03/2021Celebration of 2020Video

Rhiannon’s Story with Jesus

Hello! My name is Rhiannon. I’m a 10th grader who’s currently attending AHS (Alameda High School). I enjoy being active a lot. I like to go on hikes, snowboard with friends, and attend jiu-jitsu with my brother. And it’s always exciting traveling with my mom. 

In kindergarten, I attended a Chinese Christian school. I was so scared of starting a new school on the first day of kindergarten. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my parents, not to mention making friends was also a huge struggle for me. That was until one of my classmates approached me and started talking to me, which helped me adjust better to a new classroom environment and a new school. It was that same friend who invited me to come to church.  At first, I didn’t understand why I was there. I simply went, because my best friend was there. But as I continued coming to church, I enjoyed listening to the lessons about the miracles that were performed by Jesus. I began to want to accept Jesus as my savior. As I got older, I opened up this thought in my head, where I began to wonder if I would ever have a genuine relationship with God. Later on, I began to experience God within my thoughts. 

Since I attended church at a very young age, I began questioning God’s word and everything that happened in the Bible. I didn’t understand how anyone could die and then come back to life again or if someone was born blind but then was healed and can now see. Those things didn’t make sense to me at all. The biggest doubt I had was believing that there was heaven and hell. Back then, I did want to believe that. But it was just really hard to believe and understand all that was true. All these bible truths cannot be explained by scientific facts that I have learned so far.  

I struggled a lot during the pandemic. Online learning was really hard for me. I had a huge lack of motivation to do anything, I found it really hard to focus during zoom meetings, and there were several technical difficulties I had to face from time to time which was very frustrating for me. My mood started changing as I went through the years of having to do more remote learning. I always felt stressed and angry all the time, and from then on, every day became a challenge for me. I began to pray to Jesus more often with a lot of the problems I had, and I found comfort in talking with him. I felt a lot calmer, and I could tackle situations that came at me. 

Despite my doubts and struggles, I continue to keep believing in Jesus because I know He has a plan for me. I put my faith in Him, trusting that I will be alright in His hands.

Evelina’s Story with Jesus

Hi, my name is Evelina, and I am currently in 5th grade. I play the piano and viola, and I absolutely adore animals. I come from a large family of five sisters. 

I learned about Jesus by attending church regularly with one of my sisters. At first, I had doubts about God’s existence, as well as the reality of heaven and hell. However, as I continued to attend church and read the Bible more, I gradually felt the Holy Spirit’s presence within me, resolving these uncertainties.

What motivates me to attend church every week is the warmth and hospitality of my brothers and sisters in Christ. They always make me feel welcome and included. What keeps my faith in Jesus strong is the knowledge that He died on the cross for me.

“樂在基督中” 信息系列

“樂在基督中” 信息Podcasts
“Rejoice in Christ” Sermon Podcasts

Sermon Schedule 信息時間表:

  • 4/14/23:
    序言 – 樂在其中 –
    Intro – Joy in Him
  • 4/23/23:
    第一章 – 為基督而活的喜樂 –
    Ch 1 – The Joy of Living for Christ
  • 4/30/23:
    第二章 – 合一事奉基督的喜樂 –
    Ch2 – The Joy of Serving Christ in Unity
  • 5/14/23:
    第三章 – 認識基督的喜樂 –
    Ch3 – The Joy of Knowing Christ
  • 5/21/23:
    第四章 – 安息在基督裡的喜樂 –
    Ch 4 – The Joy of Finding Rest in Christ

Airi’s Story with Jesus

My name is Airi. I’m 11 years old and currently attending 5th grade. I go to LME and love to eat, sleep, and hang out in my room. I’m also a proud owner of some amazing pets, but I don’t really like school that much. I love being in the band and choir, and I attend church every Sunday.

So, how did I get to know God? Well, my mom used to go to Three Crosses, but I didn’t go with her. Later on, my friend Adora and her family took me to the Church of God in Oakland, and that’s where I was introduced to God and made some great friends.

I did have a big problem once when my family got COVID, but I didn’t. I had to quarantine in my room while they were all sick, and then when I got it, I had to quarantine in my room again because I was the only one who had it. But God helped me through that tough time, and I didn’t feel so alone.

I come to church now because I really enjoy learning more about God and seeing my friends and others. And I continue to believe in God because I feel happier and better with Him. Whenever I have a hard time, I talk to God or someone else about it, and it gets fixed pretty easily. Plus, I’ve made new friends through God and feel like I’ve become a better person overall.

Kaiqi’s Story with Jesus |Kaiqi 的見證

My name is Kaiqi, and I am currently in 8th grade. In my day-to-day life, I enjoy spending time with my friends, drawing, swimming, and playing volleyball. Additionally, I attend church on Sundays and participate in other fellowships.

I have been attending church since I was a baby, but I am unsure when I first began believing in God. When I was younger, I didn’t feel very close to Him until I grew up. Back then, my involvement with church mostly involved learning about God and His word.

However, with the outbreak of COVID-19, life became more challenging, and it was harder for me to learn and grow. When places started to open up again, it was nice to go back to church and spend time with brothers and sisters. In-person interactions made it much easier for me to learn than online. Bread-breaking meetings helped me build a stronger relationship with God, and fellowships and Bible readings with others helped me better understand the Bible. I also like to write notes during the message so I can look back and remember what was taught.

Sometimes, I doubted God because it felt like He wasn’t answering my prayers. But over time, my prayers were answered. I’ve asked Him to help me through several problems, and He has always been there to guide me. I also remember asking Him to help me feel better when I had a stomach ache or felt sick.

I choose to continue believing in God because He has helped me through many things, and I find joy in being with other brothers and sisters. Even if there are many ups and downs, I still choose to believe in Him because of what He has done for me and how He has helped me during troubled times.

我叫 Kaiqi,現在讀八年級。平時我很喜歡和朋友一起玩。我還很喜歡畫畫、游泳和打排球。此外,我在星期天會去教會並參加其他團契。


然而,隨著 COVID-19 的爆發,生活變得更具挑戰性,我的學習和成長也更加艱難。當很多地方再次開放時,能夠回到教會與弟兄姊妹一起真是太好!實體的互動讓我比在線學習更容易。星期日的擘餅聚會幫助我與神建立了更堅固的關系。與其他人一起的團契和聖經閱讀也幫助我更好地明白聖經。我也喜歡在信息中寫筆記,這樣我可以回顧並記住所教的內容。



Adora’s Story with Jesus| Adora 的見證

My name is Adora, and I’m in sixth grade. I’m from Castro Valley, and I love swimming. I have two siblings, so there are five of us in my family. I’m also a Christian and go to the Church of God in Oakland. My parents brought me to church when I was a baby, and I’ve been going ever since.

I invited my friend Airi to come with me to church. She used to go to another church, but when she came with me, she met new people, and her family became part of our church family. Now I’m always excited to attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays to see my friends and learn more about God.

As I learned about God, I would have doubts and questions, too. I wonder if God is real and how many of my friends would come with me to church. Sometimes my friends are too busy, so I pray and ask God to bring them to church or fellowship with me.

But I still believe in God because I get to hang out with my friends and learn more about the Bible. One time, when I was four years old, I really wanted a sister. So I prayed for her every day for a year. Then my mom told me that I would have a sibling, but I didn’t know if it would be a boy or a girl. When I found out it would be a girl, I was so happy because I would have a sister. When she was born, I got to hold her in my arms. That experience showed me that God listens to our prayers and can make our dreams come true.

我叫Adora,是六年級學生。我來自Castro Valley。我喜歡游泳。我有一個妹妹和弟弟,所以我家有五口人。我也是一名基督徒。小時候我的父母就帶我去教會,從那以後我就一直都去。

我還邀請我的朋友 Airi 和我一起去教會。她之前是去另外一個教會,但當她和我一起來時,她認識了新的朋友,她的家人也成了我們教會大家庭的一員。現在我總是很期待能在星期天和星期三去教會和我的朋友們一起認識神。 

