Kenny’s Story of Faith | 銘聰的見證

When I was young in Hong Kong, I would get very excited when I saw Christians preaching about God on the bus to passengers, and I would silently cheer them on. I attended a church school in kindergarten, where I had my first formal encounter with God and thought that believing in Jesus was a good thing. However, when I went to high school and subscribed to Christian publications, I was still unclear about what it meant to have faith in God. Even Bible classes felt boring to me.

After I entered the workforce and worked night shifts at a hotel, I would steal those fancy pastries from the hotel when I was hungry late at night. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t change my behavior. At that time, I also lied frequently and often betrayed others. No matter how many times I resolved to change, I couldn’t accept my true self and improve.

My friends invited me to attend gospel meetings at six different churches. I raised my hand each time to indicate that I believed in Jesus, but my enthusiasm quickly faded each time. Then a boarding school roommate invited me to a church, and I finally decided to believe in and follow God. After I believed in God, He slowly transformed me. I began to value my relationships with people, stopped betraying others and lying, and became more outgoing and lively. I am no longer a shy person, and I have hope for life!

小時後我在香港看到有基督徒在巴士上向乘客傳講神,心裏會非常興奮,也會暗暗為這些基督徒打氣。我在幼稚園已讀教會學校。那時是第一次正式接觸神,覺得信耶穌是件好事。直至讀教會中學時,開始訂閱基督徒的刊物,但當時卻不清楚信主是什麼一回事。上聖經課也感覺很悶。直到出來社會做事,在酒店當通宵班,深夜肚子餓,我偷了酒店的高級西餅來吃。心中明知自己不對,但總無法改變自己的行為。那時講大話也當吃生菜 (常常說謊),又經常出賣人。無論立志多少次也無法改過及接受真正的自己。


Paul’s Story of Faith | Paul 的見證

“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” (Ecclesiastes 7:14)

One day as I was helping my aunt, I learned about heart disease symptoms and noticed I had the same symptoms for months now. Unexpectedly, I didn’t know it was that bad. So, I went to do a heart stress test on Fri morning. I ended up in San Francisco Kaiser Cardiac division that evening, waiting for my quadruple bypass surgery that weekend. It all happened really fast. It was terrifying. A lot of different thoughts have gone through my mind.

Most importantly, God gave me peace. Not a promise that guarantees my recovery. It is a peace of knowing God is in control. That God is on my side. Regardless of what happens, I know God will handle my worries (mainly around my family).

Ecclesiastes 7:14 ‬ tells me that the “good” and “bad” in life are equally from God. It is not meant to toy with me. It is all meant for good. I may not understand it at the time or during my lifetime on earth. But I know God is good. Now it has been two years after the surgery. I can honestly say it was a “positive” experience. I learned to be more sympathetic toward people that are going through sickness. I learned that life is not all roses and apple pies, and it is ok. God is really there along the way.

“遇亨通的日子你當喜樂;遭患難的日子你當思想;因為神使這兩樣並列,為的是叫人查不出身後有甚麼事。” (傳道書‬ ‭7:14‬)

有一天,我正在幫助我的阿姨同時,我也學到有關心臟疾病的症狀。然後我發現自己也有幾個月出現了這些相同的症狀。但是,我不知道它是如此嚴重。於是,那個星期五早上我去做了一個心臟負荷測試。當晚我便在三藩市 Kaiser 醫療中心的心臟科等待週末的四重搭橋手術。一切發生得那麼快,讓人感到非常惶恐。有許多不同的想法在我腦海中浮現。


傳道書 7:14 告訴我,生命中的「好」和「壞」都是來自神。這不是為了玩弄我,而是要為了帶來好處。或許我當時甚至有生之年也無法理解它,但我知道神是良善的。現在手術已經過去了兩年,我可以肯定地說這是一個「好」的 經驗。我學會了對正在經歷疾病的人更有同情心。我學到了生命不都是一帆風順,但不要緊,神在這條路上真的一直都同在。

April’s Story of Faith | 秀蘭的見證

From a young age, I grew up in a low-income family that favored boys over girls. All the good things were saved for my younger brothers, but that didn’t make me dislike them. I knew that as their older sister, I was responsible for protecting them, so money was very important to me. Money also became my life goal.

As time went on, I became more and more exhausted. I worked during the day and went to school at night, and my health suffered. But then, in elementary school, I met God. It was just a surface-level understanding initially, but I continued working hard to earn money.

In 1982, however, I had a life-changing moment. I met up with a former elementary school classmate, a Christian. She said she was going to church to do some things and asked if I wanted to come with her. Of course, I said yes, and that decision changed my life. It brought me back to the God who loved me, and one Bible verse, in particular, changed my life’s pursuit. That is 

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?“ (Matthew 16:26)

Money can solve some problems in life, but it can’t buy happiness, spiritual satisfaction, or true love. Since coming to truly know the God who created the heavens and the earth and loved me enough to sacrifice His life for me on the cross through Jesus Christ, I have experienced happiness, freedom, love, and peace I never knew before. You’re welcome to join us if you also want to know this God of love, wisdom, abundance, and power. You’re welcome to join us. Every Christian is willing to share with you the changes in our lives since knowing Christ. We look forward to meeting you.



感謝神,小學時,我認識這位神,使我知道無論我怎樣,神也愛着我,但祇是表面上的認識,我繼續過着努力搵錢的生活,直到1982年,有一天和小學同學相約吃飯,想不到那一個晚上就是我扭轉人生的時刻,因為這位同學也是一位基督徒,她說要返教會做些事情先,問我要不要和她同去,我說好,這樣,踏入教會這一步就是改變我人生的好日子,使我重新認識這位愛我的神,聖經中的一句話,改變了我人生的追求 這句話就是




Jonathan’s Story with Jesus | Jonathan 的見證

My name is Jonathan, and I am currently a 2nd-year college student. I am a student at CCSF transferring this upcoming fall to Cal Poly SLO, and I enjoy doing outdoor activities that allow me to escape my house while getting much-needed sunlight.

I knew about Jesus from my parents at a young age, which is a true blessing to me as I was able to experience Jesus at an earlier stage of life. I go to church weekly with my parents and have been going before I could even walk or talk!

I had many doubts and questions regarding God and the salvation of Jesus since no one in this world alive has ever seen God or Jesus dying and resurrecting for us. It is tough to be firm in your stance on something that isn’t really provable physically or visually, which was a significant negative factor that made me lose strength in my faith. I also questioned the validation of God’s work and how it didn’t make sense from a worldly standpoint. However, through reading God’s word, praying, and discussing faith with brothers and sisters, I was able to slowly rebound and make a positive turning point in improving my faith and belief in Jesus!

Initially, I went to church just because it was just something I did on a regular weekly basis. However, over time I began to realize the importance of fellowship and church, and my mindset changed. I needed church and fellowship to grow and share my faith with other brothers and sisters, which made me enjoy and cherish church and, as a result, motivated me to continue going. While I continue to have doubts and discouragements throughout my journey as a Christian, I continue to put my faith in Jesus.  I believe He is in control and knows the best for me regardless of if His plans may be the way that might not be in my favor. 

我叫Jonathan,是一名大二學生。我是 CCSF 的一名學生,即將在今年秋季轉學到 Cal Poly SLO。我喜歡戶外活動。這些活動讓我可以在離開家門的同時也能吸取身體需要的陽光。




Irene’s Story of Faith | Irene 的見證

My name is Irene. I grew up in Hong Kong and San Francisco. I am blessed with loving and supportive parents and 3 sisters. At school, I was surrounded by good friends. I often felt I had to keep up with my sisters and friends. I suffered stomach illnesses from stress. As a kid, I often woke up in the middle of the night and asked my mom to help me prepare for tests. Thankfully, I immigrated to the States when I started middle school. The learning environment here provided much relief. 

When I started high school, my sister invited me to fellowship, and I accepted Lord Jesus as my personal savior. It was the group of Christians in my school that attracted me to attend fellowship. I remember seeing them at the cafeteria, where they happily shared lunch and read Bible together. They had something special that I wanted.

After I became a Christian, I realized that something special was the peace in knowing the Almighty God is with us all the time – during good times, like when I earned promotion after promotion at work, AND during hard times, like when my husband has gone through quadruple bypass surgery. It was also the joy of knowing I am enough and I no longer suffered stomach issues from stress. It was also the love in me, knowing that God loves me no matter what. I hope you’ll get to experience this something special in knowing God.

我叫Irene。我在香港和三藩市長大。我很幸福,因為有充滿愛心和支持我的父母和 三 個姐妹。在學校裡,我身邊都是好朋友。我經常覺得我必須跟上我的姐妹和朋友。我因壓力而患上胃病。小時候,我經常半夜醒來,讓媽媽幫我準備考試。值得慶幸的是,我在上中學時移民到了美國。這裡的學習環境讓我鬆了一口氣。


在我成為基督徒後,我明白那特別的東西就是認識那全能的神,無論在甚麼時候都與我們同在而帶來的平安。比如當我在工作中一次又一次升職時,以及在艱難的時候,就如當我的丈夫經歷四重搭橋手術時。 還有那知道自己是足夠的喜樂使我不再因壓力而患胃病, 和當知道無論如何神都愛我也使我心裡有愛。我盼望你也能體會到這種認識神帶來的特別東西。

Meijing’s Story of Faith | 美靜的見證

My name is Meijing.  Growing up in China with my family, I had an easy and happy life. My parents had to work hard for a living, but they always made sure my sister and I had enough to eat and wear. My excellent grades and close friendships made life enjoyable and fulfilling.  However, as my family immigrated to America when I was 12, my life took a significant turn. Adapting to the new culture and environment and entering middle school without knowing English was incredibly challenging. I struggled to understand what was happening in class every day. I had to mature quickly with no one to turn to for help. I felt lonely and helpless and inferior and inadequate compared to others.   

During my first summer in America, I went to a local church’s summer camp to learn English with my sister, where I was introduced to the teachings of Jesus. Initially, I was skeptical, thinking that only those with incurable illnesses or dire circumstances would need Jesus. However, as I faced the challenges of school and life without guidance, I found myself praying to God at night for help, even though I didn’t know who He was.  I found comfort in doing that and continued praying to Him for many years. And finally, during my college years, I felt the nudge in my heart to discover who God is.  So I prayed to Him and asked Him to show me the way to Him. In the summer of 1997, a group of Christian missionaries from Hong Kong approached me and shared the good news of Jesus with me, and I decided to accept Jesus as my savior and invited Him into my life.

Knowing that God loves me helped me rebuild my confidence.  However, life was not always easy, and I still faced many challenges even after believing in Jesus. One of the biggest challenges we faced was when I got laid off, and my husband’s office was shutting down while I was expecting in 2008. This situation could have burdened us greatly, but instead, we experienced great peace in our hearts.  We trusted that when God closed one door, He would open another one for us, and He did! He gave me a job soon after my first trimester of pregnancy, allowing me to have three-day weekends for eleven years, enabling me to work, care for my son’s needs, and serve my church family.  And in 2019, as I decided to enter full-time ministry, my husband’s office shut down again.  But God is faithful and gracious.  He provided another job for my husband, which is good enough to support me in my ministry. 

Life is full of challenges and uncertainties, which can quickly drain us. Yet, through it all, I have experienced God’s love, providence, presence, and guiding hands. He is always with me.  My life is an ordinary one, but my God is extraordinary.  He is the real Joy Giver and ultimate Provider.  I hope my story will inspire others to find hope and comfort in God, as I have.


然而,當我 12 歲全家移民到美國時,我的生活發生了重大轉折。要適應新的文化和環境並在不懂英語的情況下進入中學對我來說真的很難。我完全不明白每天課堂上發生的事情。我覺得我突然要迅速成長,但確沒有人可以幫助我。我感到孤獨、無助、自卑和不足。

在美國的第一個夏天,我和妹妹一起去附近教會的夏令營學習英語。在那裡我第一次接觸基督的教導。起初,我持懷疑態度,認為只有那些身患不治之症或情況危急的人才需要耶穌。然而,當我在沒有引導的情況下面對學校和生活的挑戰時,我發現自己在晚上卻向神祈禱尋求幫助,雖然那時我並不知道祂是誰。這樣做讓我感到安慰,所以我繼續向他祈禱多年。最後,在我的大學期間,我感到內心有一個想法,很想去認識神是哪一位。所以我向祂祈禱並求祂帶我去到可以認識祂的教會裡。 在 1997 年夏天,一群來自香港的基督徒找到我,與我分享耶穌的福音。那時我決定接受耶穌為我的救主,並邀請祂進入我的生命中。

知道神愛我讓我重拾自信。然而,生活並不總是一帆風順。即使我信了耶穌,仍然要面對許多挑戰。我們經歷其中一個最大的考驗是我在 2008 年被解僱,而我丈夫的公司也在我懷孕期間關閉了。這種情況本可以給我們帶來很大的負擔,但相反,我們的內心感到非常平安。我們相信當神關上一扇門時,祂會為我們打開一扇窗,祂確實是這樣行了!在我懷孕頭三個月後不久,祂給了我一份工作。這份工作容許我每星期只工作四天,這樣我有 十一 年的工作是有三天週末假期的,讓我能夠兼顧工作和照顧我兒子的需要,並事奉神的教會。2019 年,當我決定全職事奉時,我丈夫的公司再次關閉。但神是信實和仁慈的。祂為我丈夫預備了另一份工作,這足以支持我的事工。


Meile’s Story of Faith | 美樂的見證

My name is Meile, and I have accepted Christ for over 25 years. I was a freshman in high school when I officially heard of the gospel of Christ, and it immediately changed my life and my view on the purpose of life since the time I believed.

My family came to the US in 1991 and resided shortly in Oakland Chinatown. We lived in an apartment about four blocks from two Christian churches. In the first summer of being in the US, my sister and I were enrolled in the summer program at one of the churches in Chinatown to learn English. During that summer, I was introduced to Jesus, and I remember singing hymns at church. I also met a few teachers at the church whom I thought were so caring and kind to teach me English. Since then, I felt that God was somewhere nearby because I would pray to him at night. But I didn’t fully know how and why he could help me and has done for me.

Then as I entered high school, I was finally presented with the gospel by a group of sisters who traveled from the Church of God in Hong Kong. It was also a time when being a teenager, I started to have growing pains that made me become a difficult person to be with, and I felt internally sad and depressed, while on the outside, I might have seemed fine. It was an emptiness that I felt that nothing could fill, but at the same time, I didn’t understand why I felt so empty and insecure. Amazingly, I stopped feeling empty when I believed in Christ. I could feel a sense of happiness that was natural to me. God helped me get through high school, and I graduated as Salutatorian of my graduation year. I also entered the college of my first choice. But then, life got busy and distracted, and I started to live in the mainstream. For many years, although I still believed in him, I stopped focusing on Christ and began to take decisions into my own hands. It was then I started to stumble.

Life challenges and struggles were the most difficult when I turned 30, which would be the peak of my life when I was married with young kids and a career. But it was also when I had to make tough decisions on all these aspects of my life. But I struggled, had doubts, and ran into many challenges as I tried to navigate them independently. I couldn’t find answers, just more questions. I even had to talk to a psychologist to unload my emotions and thoughts and hope they could help me solve my problems. But unfortunately, nothing worked, and I fell deeper into the issues.

Finally, God called me back to Him just in time. So I started going back to church and reading His words. I asked Him for guidance, and I could finally see the light to my problems. God showed me that I needed Him in my life, and if I trust Him and give my life to Him to guide me, I will never fail. He will always want the best for me. Time after time, God has proven that to me, and I feel so blessed. I cannot imagine my life without God again, and I will continue to hold on to my faith and trust in Him and to live WITH God.

我叫美樂,我接受基督已經超過 25 年了。當我正式聽到耶穌基督的福音的時後,我還是一名高中一年級生。 當我接受並相信了這福音之後,它立即改變了我的生命和我對人生的看法。

我的家人於 1991 年來到美國,然後就住在屋崙唐人街。我們住在距離兩個基督教教堂大約四個街口的公寓裡。在美國的第一個夏天,我和姐姐在唐人街的一個教堂參加了暑期課程,學習英語。那個夏天,我第一次聽到有關耶穌的事。我記得在那裡唱詩歌。我還在那裡遇到了幾位老師,他們非常關心和友善地教我英語。從那以後,我覺得神就在附近的某個地方,因為我會在晚上向祂祈禱。但是我不完全知道祂是誰以及為什麼可以幫助我,並祂為我所做的。 

然後到我進入高中,終於有一群從香港神的教會遠道而來的姊妹們向我傳福音。那時我也正是青春期的時候,我變得很難相處。從外表看來,我可能很好,但我內心感到悲傷和沮喪。那是一種我覺得沒有什麼可以填補的空虛,但與此同時,我不明白為什麼我會感到如此空虛和沒有安全感。奇妙的是,當我相信基督時,我不再感到空虛。我能感受到一種對我來說很自然的幸福感。神幫助我讀完了高中,畢業那年我以 Salutatorian (全級第二名)的身份畢業。我也進入了我的第一志願大學。但是後來,生活變得忙碌而分心。我開始生活在主流中。多年來,雖然我仍然相信神,但我不再專注於祂,而是開始自己做決定。就在那時我開始跌跌撞撞。

人生的挑戰和掙扎在我 30 歲時是最艱難的。那是我人生的巔峰。那時我已婚,有了年幼的孩子和事業。但這也是我必須在生活的所有這些方面做出艱難決定的時候。但是當我試圖獨立駕馭這些挑戰時,我有掙扎,有疑慮,並遇到過許多挑戰。我找不到答案,只有更多問題。我甚至不得不去見心理醫生以釋放我的情緒和想法,期望他們能幫助我解決問題。但不幸的是,沒有任何效果,我陷入了更深層次的問題。


Bill Ou’s Story of Faith | Bill Ou 的見證

My name is Bill, and I have been a follower of Jesus for over 20 years. I believe the first time that Jesus called me was during a quiet ride on the Bart to work. As I observed people sitting and standing silently, I began to wonder if there was more to life than just going to work and repeating the same routine every day. It was then that I felt a higher calling and began to contemplate the meaning of life.

Later on, my girlfriend at the time, Phan, took me to church, and I started hearing messages about God and Jesus. After learning about Jesus’ love for me and how he died on the cross for my sins, offering the hope of true life, I decided to accept him as my Lord and Savior. Although I can’t remember the exact date, I know it was in the early 2000s when I gave my life to the Lord, and I have been following him ever since.

我叫 Bill,我跟隨耶穌已有 20 多年了。我相信耶穌第一次呼召我是在我安靜地乘坐 Bart 去上班的時候。當我觀察到人們靜靜地坐著和站著時,我開始懷疑生活是否只是去上班和每天重複著同樣的例行公事。就在那時,我感受到了更高的呼喚,開始思考生命的意義。

後來,我當時的女朋友 Phan 帶我去教會,我開始聽到關於神和耶穌的信息。在認識到耶穌對我的愛以及祂如何為我的罪死在十字架上,為我帶來真正生命的盼望後,我決定接受祂作為我的個人救主。雖然我不記得確切的日期,但我知道是在2000年代初期,我把自己的生命獻給了主。從那以後我就一直跟隨祂。

Doreen’s Story of Faith | Doreen 的見證

Hi, my name is Doreen.

Everyone has a unique story to tell, and I would like to take this opportunity to share part of mine with you. 

As a child, I attended a Christian school, which led me to start going to church. However, as I grew older, many of my friends also invited me to church, and while I enjoyed spending time with them, I did not have a personal relationship with God.

As I entered adulthood, I began to experience unexpected events that were beyond my control. My family was involved in serious car accidents that scared me; my son was born with a bone problem requiring major surgery. Witnessing my son’s suffering was painful, but I learned I could pray with him and provide support during his recovery.

Throughout different stages of my life, I have faced various worries and challenges, including concerns about my son, parents, family, job, and daily routines. However, I find comfort in a Bible verse that says,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”

2 Corinthians 12:9

Through reading the Bible and deepening my faith, I have learned that although I have limitations and cannot control everything, God is the most powerful force I can rely on. Whenever I face difficulties, I turn to God for guidance and help, and I find peace in knowing that worrying does not solve problems. God gives me the strength to face whatever challenges come my way.

Over the years, I have experienced God’s presence, help, comfort, and care in many ways. He knows our needs, and when I trust Him and put my life in His hands, I know He is my All in All.



小時候,我上了一所基督教學校,這讓我開始接觸教會。隨著年齡的增長,我身邊許多朋友也邀請我去參加教會。 雖然我很享受與他們在一起的時光,但我沒有感覺與神有個人關系。




哥林多後書 12:9



Ming’s Story of Faith | 錦明的見證

An Ordinary Childhood
Growing up, I was a shy and quiet child.  I was not the best nor the worst in almost everything.  I lived like most of the kids I knew until…

A Quest for Meaning
When I was a teenager, my life was up and down. I continued to live and do things just like everyone else, going to school to get better grades. Things began to fall into place during the latter part of high school. During this period, I also began to ask, “What is the meaning of life?”

Stumbling on the Question
The meaning of life was a challenging question to answer for me. Although I thought about it, I talked to others and read books; still, that answer was very elusive.  Eventually, I concluded that to find the answer to the meaning of life, I have to find where I come from. 

I studied science and the theory of evolution, which at the time was a very popular theory to explain the existence of humans. Many accepted it without question nor fully understood it. But, on the other hand, I found that it has so many holes in the theory that it requires an extraordinary amount of faith to accept it. 

The other common alternative to the question was that God created humans.  I found that equally difficult to accept at the time.  How could you prove the existence of God?  Even if you could prove it, how could you determine Who He was? There were so many “Gods” in this world.

A Downward Spiral
Failure to find the meaning of life resulted in my lost interest in most things. The only thing that prevented me from the total collapse was I still hoped that one day I would find the answer to the question.

A Pleasant Surprise
One day one of my classmates approached me while I was reading Nietzsche’s God is Dead. He invited me to join his church meeting, which I have accepted without hesitation.  In the meeting, I found out Christians’ belief in God was not without evidence. On the contrary, they have cited so many proofs that I found it very reasonable to believe in God even though I cannot see Him.  Eventually, I believed in God. 

A Renewed Life
After I had concluded that God created humans, I started to search in the Bible why God created us and what was the meaning of life.  After discovering the answer in the Bible, my outlook on life changed.  I not only have regained interest in living, but I also have the strength and determination to fulfill the meaning of life.  There are more ups and downs in my life now, but no matter what happens to me, I move on toward fulfilling my life’s purpose, and life is beautiful because of this.







