When I was young in Hong Kong, I would get very excited when I saw Christians preaching about God on the bus to passengers, and I would silently cheer them on. I attended a church school in kindergarten, where I had my first formal encounter with God and thought that believing in Jesus was a good thing. However, when I went to high school and subscribed to Christian publications, I was still unclear about what it meant to have faith in God. Even Bible classes felt boring to me.
After I entered the workforce and worked night shifts at a hotel, I would steal those fancy pastries from the hotel when I was hungry late at night. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t change my behavior. At that time, I also lied frequently and often betrayed others. No matter how many times I resolved to change, I couldn’t accept my true self and improve.
My friends invited me to attend gospel meetings at six different churches. I raised my hand each time to indicate that I believed in Jesus, but my enthusiasm quickly faded each time. Then a boarding school roommate invited me to a church, and I finally decided to believe in and follow God. After I believed in God, He slowly transformed me. I began to value my relationships with people, stopped betraying others and lying, and became more outgoing and lively. I am no longer a shy person, and I have hope for life!

小時後我在香港看到有基督徒在巴士上向乘客傳講神,心裏會非常興奮,也會暗暗為這些基督徒打氣。我在幼稚園已讀教會學校。那時是第一次正式接觸神,覺得信耶穌是件好事。直至讀教會中學時,開始訂閱基督徒的刊物,但當時卻不清楚信主是什麼一回事。上聖經課也感覺很悶。直到出來社會做事,在酒店當通宵班,深夜肚子餓,我偷了酒店的高級西餅來吃。心中明知自己不對,但總無法改變自己的行為。那時講大話也當吃生菜 (常常說謊),又經常出賣人。無論立志多少次也無法改過及接受真正的自己。