Justin’s Story with Jesus | Justin 的見證

My name is Justin, and I’m in 8th grade. I love playing video games and volleyball.

My parents have been taking me to church since I was a baby, and I’ve always enjoyed growing up in church. But it was during a VBS in the summer of 2016 when I accepted Jesus as my savior. The message about the gospel of Jesus was so powerful, and when we split into groups, our leader prayed with us to help us believe in Christ. That’s when I felt God’s presence, and I invited Jesus into my life.

Sometimes, I have doubts about God, but I pray and ask Him to show me that He’s real. He reminds me of the things Jesus did for us, and that helps me believe even more.

Although there are days when I feel like staying in bed and playing Pokemon instead of going to fellowship or church, I still choose to go. I love seeing my brothers and sisters and learning more about God.

I continue to believe in God because I know I’ll get to see Him in heaven someday, and I’ll be reunited with all my brothers and sisters there.


我的父母從小就帶我去教會,我也很喜歡在教會裡成長。在 2016 年夏天的 VBS (假期聖經班) 期間,我接受了耶穌作為我的救主。那次關於耶穌福音的信息讓我很深刻。當我們分組時,我的組長老師與我們一起祈禱和幫助我們接受基督。那時我感受到了神的同在,我接受耶穌進入我的生命。


雖然有時候我也會想睡懶覺或玩Pokemon 而不去團契或教會,但我仍然選擇去。因為我喜歡見到我的弟兄姊妹和認識神更多。


Connor’s Story with Jesus |Connor 的見證

I’m Connor, and I’m in 8th grade. I enjoy playing sports, video games, playing guitar, and practicing jiu-jitsu.

When I was little, my mom took me to church, and that’s how I learned about God. At first, I didn’t really like going to church. It was kind of boring to me. But it became more enjoyable as I got to know the people there and started to understand the messages.

I still attend church because I believe in God and His words and want to learn more about Christ. Sometimes, things I learn in school about animals, dinosaurs, and evolution make me doubt God’s existence and question if He really created everything. But I talk to my mom about it; she helps me understand those things better.

Nowadays, I really like going to church. I enjoy the people, the messages, and the communion. I believe in Christ because I think He’s real and created me.

我是Connor, 我在上八年級。我喜歡運動、電子遊戲、彈吉他和練習柔術。小時候,媽媽帶我去教會,我就是這樣認識神的。起初,我不太喜歡去教會,因為我覺得有點無聊。但隨著我認識那裡的人並開始明白聚會但信息,我開始感興趣。


Kyhym’s Story with Jesus | Kyhym 的見證

My name is Kyhym Chen. I am an average middle schooler. I play the piano, enjoy playing video games, eating rice, and talking with the Lord regularly. My parents brought me to know Christ. The Lord was with me before I knew about Him. From my beginning to the present, God was with me and loved me whether I knew it or not. He is always guiding me to the right path with his hand. When I was little, my parents would bring me to church and read the Bible to me, slowly introducing me to Jesus and helping me know my Savior more and more.

Soon, on October 22, 2020, my Mom led me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. This really changed my life, and slowly, I began to continue to learn and grow in Christ (Which I still am). That was when I began to think about the Lord more and more often, and I was also encouraged by someone at church to pray to God and read his word daily, which really helped me grow closer to Christ. Although I may not be fully mature in Christ yet, I continue to learn and know more about him daily. I also realized that God really was willing to answer my prayers, as when I asked the Lord, he granted them to me. 

I got baptized on November 12, 2023, three years after I believed. This was when I really started my journey in Christ. It was when I started to wonder and notice new things and began to see God’s works in my daily life. One day, I started praying to God that I could bring my friends to Christ so they would be saved. A few months after praying, my request came true. With God, I was able to lead my friend, Ziqi Ma, to believe in Christ. This also let me know that the Lord always listens to me and is willing to grant my requests. God has also protected me all my life, countless times, even when I didn’t know, God kept me safe. On two occasions, I almost drowned, and the Lord kept me safe. I will never stop worshiping the Lord, as He will never give up on me. He never lets me down and will never turn around and desert me.

I have faced many doubts and challenges before, as I was taught other things such as the Big Bang Theory or evolution. But every time when I had doubts, the Lord would give me an answer – the answer that lets me know He is the one true God. Some other people have also questioned my faith before, and some friends have even started to fade away from me because of my faith. However, I will not let that stop me from worshiping the One True God. I also face many struggles, such as tests or performances. Before, they were pretty challenging to me, but then, I started to ask God for help, who actually helped me. He gave me courage for many of these challenges, letting me know that I am not alone. This also reminds me of Desmond Doss, a WW2 hero who saved many lives in the battle of Hacksaw Ridge. On the cliff where the fighting was, Desond also prayed to God for help, which God granted, keeping Desond safe and letting him save almost a hundred lives.

I continue to go to church as I can connect with the community, grow in Christ, and worship God with His people. I also continue to learn about and worship the Lord because I know that He is the One True God, who will one day come back to judge the living and the dead. Through every challenge that I will or have faced, I know that Jesus will be by my side and will never leave me. This is how the Lord has been with me faithfully all my life. Although I may not be fully mature in Christ, nor that I have a lot of wisdom yet, I continue to trust in the Lord and His plans for me.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ”

Jeremiah 29:11

I trust in Jesus as I know He will always be with me. He controls my life from my beginning to my end, and I will never stop worshiping my Lord.

This is my testimony.










“精彩人生” 信息系列 Podcasts

“精彩人生” 信息Podcasts
“Amazing Life” Sermon Podcasts

Castro Valley Fellowship

The Castro Valley group was formed in 2019. We come together as neighbors and as followers of Jesus Christ for encouragement and support. 

Our goals are 

  1. Worship and Fellowship – God is the center of our life and fellow Christians are like our families
  2. Evangelism – to love our neighbors by introducing the good news to them

We meet every other week on Friday nights and host activities such as devotional time, picnics,s and outings on selected weekends.

Alameda Fellowship

One had the idea to support the moms through weekly prayer group; one had a different idea to meet for devotion on Saturday mornings while another one had the idea to have sisters small group. When the fervent hearts put all the ideas together, the Alameda Fellowship was formed in 2019!

Our very first meeting in 2019

We meet every other Friday night. Enjoying dinner together to wrap up a busy week adds one more reason to TGIF! Dinner is followed by a good mix of activities – studying the word of God, game nights, and discussion of different topics like parenting.

The Alameda neighborhood fellowship has a big heart to bring more to Christ and the church family. We welcome you to join us!

Christmas Caroling
Summer Picnic
Game Night

Disciples Union English Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.”

Matthew 19:14-15 NIV

Responding to “let the little children come to me…” marked the beginning of children’s ministry among us back in 1998. We are committed to bringing little children to Christ and supporting our little brothers and sisters in Christ to be disciples of Christ. We pray not only for their growth in stature but also in wisdom and in favor of God and men. 

By the grace of God, the children’s ministry turned into English ministry. We’ve grown from Bethany Children Fellowship to Disciples Union which continues to emphasize discipleship as Christ followers.

Currently, the Disciple Union is organized into 4 Disciple of Christ (DoC) groups to facilitate age-appropriate learning and pursuits.

  • DoC 1 – 4 years old to Kindergarten 
  • DoC 2 – 1st to 4th grade
  • DoC 3 – 5th to 8th grade
  • DoC 4 – High School and beyond

DoC 1 and DoC 2

The focus of these two groups is to learn about God – know Who He Is, and our relationship with Him. With fun games and Bible lessons, we meet every Sunday morning from 10:00am to 12:00pm. 

DoC 3

As middle schoolers grow in independence, we focus on learning the importance of dependence and reliance on the Almighty through the study of His word. 

DoC 4

As we are constantly bombarded with information through social media and other facets, we focus to equip the DOC4ers to not conform to the pattern of this world. Instead, to be transformed by the renewing of the mind to develop a worldview as a Disciple of Christ.

In our Wednesday fellowship and Sunday message, we continue to learn the word of God and its life application of it.

Though there are 4 DoC groups, we also routinely host combined events to enjoy together such as summer fun days and Thanksgiving retreats.  There are also many opportunities for the older DoC to help with the younger DoC. We are family.

Oakland Church 25th-Anniversary Celebration

We turned 25!

By the grace of God, we celebrated our 25th anniversary on September 25th, 2022. Thanks to all brothers and sisters who came to share our joy and God’s bountiful grace!

Enjoy this special video dedicated to the 25th Anniversary Celebration, featuring “How Great is our God” trilingual version – English, Cantonese, and Spanish sung by the Oakland Church brothers and sisters!

Glory to God!

Different tongues yet one voice
Different languages yet one heart.
All for ONE!
And all will see how great, how great is our God!