I’m Connor, and I’m in 8th grade. I enjoy playing sports, video games, playing guitar, and practicing jiu-jitsu.
When I was little, my mom took me to church, and that’s how I learned about God. At first, I didn’t really like going to church. It was kind of boring to me. But it became more enjoyable as I got to know the people there and started to understand the messages.
I still attend church because I believe in God and His words and want to learn more about Christ. Sometimes, things I learn in school about animals, dinosaurs, and evolution make me doubt God’s existence and question if He really created everything. But I talk to my mom about it; she helps me understand those things better.
Nowadays, I really like going to church. I enjoy the people, the messages, and the communion. I believe in Christ because I think He’s real and created me.

我是Connor, 我在上八年級。我喜歡運動、電子遊戲、彈吉他和練習柔術。小時候,媽媽帶我去教會,我就是這樣認識神的。起初,我不太喜歡去教會,因為我覺得有點無聊。但隨著我認識那裡的人並開始明白聚會但信息,我開始感興趣。