My name is Irene. I grew up in Hong Kong and San Francisco. I am blessed with loving and supportive parents and 3 sisters. At school, I was surrounded by good friends. I often felt I had to keep up with my sisters and friends. I suffered stomach illnesses from stress. As a kid, I often woke up in the middle of the night and asked my mom to help me prepare for tests. Thankfully, I immigrated to the States when I started middle school. The learning environment here provided much relief.
When I started high school, my sister invited me to fellowship, and I accepted Lord Jesus as my personal savior. It was the group of Christians in my school that attracted me to attend fellowship. I remember seeing them at the cafeteria, where they happily shared lunch and read Bible together. They had something special that I wanted.
After I became a Christian, I realized that something special was the peace in knowing the Almighty God is with us all the time – during good times, like when I earned promotion after promotion at work, AND during hard times, like when my husband has gone through quadruple bypass surgery. It was also the joy of knowing I am enough and I no longer suffered stomach issues from stress. It was also the love in me, knowing that God loves me no matter what. I hope you’ll get to experience this something special in knowing God.

我叫Irene。我在香港和三藩市長大。我很幸福,因為有充滿愛心和支持我的父母和 三 個姐妹。在學校裡,我身邊都是好朋友。我經常覺得我必須跟上我的姐妹和朋友。我因壓力而患上胃病。小時候,我經常半夜醒來,讓媽媽幫我準備考試。值得慶幸的是,我在上中學時移民到了美國。這裡的學習環境讓我鬆了一口氣。
在我成為基督徒後,我明白那特別的東西就是認識那全能的神,無論在甚麼時候都與我們同在而帶來的平安。比如當我在工作中一次又一次升職時,以及在艱難的時候,就如當我的丈夫經歷四重搭橋手術時。 還有那知道自己是足夠的喜樂使我不再因壓力而患胃病, 和當知道無論如何神都愛我也使我心裡有愛。我盼望你也能體會到這種認識神帶來的特別東西。