Hello, my name is Rachel. I am an ordinary and happy Christian. Over the past 20 years, praying, Bible study, and active participation in my church have become essential to my life. When I face confusion or pain in my daily life, Jesus is my trusted confidant, sometimes the only one I turn to. Though I have never physically heard His voice or seen Him guide me with His fingers, I know that He has always been by my side, guiding me through certain people and circumstances.
After graduating from university, I changed several jobs within a few years. Though I received job offers quickly, none lasted for more than 18 months, and I found them unfulfilling and soon lost interest. Doubts about my future and self-worth began to set in. Then, I decided to pray for a new job and be more patient, waiting for God’s guidance. I asked Him for a job that would allow me to use my bilingual ability and to help others without requiring repetitive tasks every day. I didn’t rush into submitting my resume and limiting the scope of my search. Instead, I continued to work diligently at my current job, although they were tedious and repetitive, while also praying to God and searching for opportunities on job-hunting websites.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” (Romans 8:28)
After praying for several months, I stumbled upon a job opening advertisement from a translation company. Although I lacked confidence in my English skills at the time, God gave me the courage and peace of mind I needed to apply for the translator position. As it turned out, God had been preparing me for this opportunity through my previous jobs, providing me with the necessary skills, experiences, and working environment to excel in the role. The translation company was impressed with my qualifications and offered me a position as a paid training translator. With this job, God had answered my prayers and provided me with a fulfilling career that met my three wishes. Over the past ten years, He has continued to protect and bless me in this job, and I am confident that He will do so for many years to come.
When people ask me if I enjoy my current job, I can confidently answer, “Yes!” This is because I see God’s grace and provision at work every day. I also pray that God gives me the wisdom to navigate my responsibilities. I find a lot of joy and satisfaction in my job, and I attribute all the gratitude I receive from others to Jesus, who loves me.


「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處。」 (羅馬書8:28)
經過好幾個月的禱告,一份翻譯公司聘請廣告吸引了我,但以我當時的英語水平實在是難以讓我自信地去嘗試翻譯員的職位。但在禱告中,神卻意外地給我一個勇氣和平安的心。原來,神早已安排,祂預備了我前幾份工作,是讓我體驗特定的工作環境、狀況和積累經驗。 那些剛好符合翻譯公司聘請的要求。他們滿意地聘請我為授薪培訓翻譯員。就這樣,神帶我走進了翻譯員的職業生涯,一份滿足我三個要求的工作,而且還一直保守和祝福我走了十年之多。
當別人問我 “喜歡現在的工作嗎”?我會回答:“我喜歡我的工作”! 因為我的工作是充滿神的恩典和預備。當然我還是需要禱告神給我智慧去應付我的工作,但感恩,我在工作中獲得很多的快樂和滿足,並將別人給我的感謝都歸於愛我的主耶穌。