All 5th Grade through College Students is welcome.
We are open Every Wednesday when AUSD schools are open.
Youth Fellowship
This is an after-school fellowship for students in 5th Grade to College. This fellowship is sponsored by Alameda Christian Reformed Church and the Church of God in Oakland.
It is held at Alameda Christian Reformed Church, which is within walking distance from the following Alameda schools. It is such an awesome and convenient place for students to go if they are looking for a place to safely hang out with their peers, do homework, have fun, learn about God, and fellowship with one another!
- Otis Elementary School (7-minute walk)
- Lincoln Middle School (10-minute walk)
- Alameda High School (16-minute walk)

Call or email to inquire. OR simply walk in.
Alameda Christian Reformed Church
2914 Encinal Ave.
Alameda, CA. 94501
Every Wednesday when Alameda schools are in session