I accepted Jesus in 1999 while I was still in college. I was amazed by God’s grace and His sacrifice when I heard about how Jesus was born and died on the cross for our sins.
I first faced death when my grandpa passed away in 1993. He died from a major stroke after a fall on his way to Yum Cha—to have Dim Sum in a restaurant. His sudden death made me wonder about life and its purpose. If everyone’s final destination was death, then why do people work so hard their whole life to pursue their dreams and goals?
I was very happy and felt very blessed to get to know Jesus, whom I can rely on. Believing in God and following Him in my life revealed the purpose of life. I finally know that death is not the final destination. There is an afterlife and final judgment.
Jesus became my support and my guidance. I have to admit at the beginning of my faith journey that, I would love to experience the moments when God answered my prayers. Nevertheless, God wouldn’t answer every one of my prayers the way I wanted. I was upset in the beginning. However, the more I read the Bible, the more I got to know God, and my faith grew along with time. I realize God’s way is higher than my way. His wisdom is better than mine. I believe God has better timing and plan if He wouldn’t answer my prayers right at the moment I want.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10-12)
I am very happy that I have God in my life, and I can grow in His words. May you get to know Him and find Him!

我在 1999 年接受了耶穌基督,當時我還是一名大學生。當我聽說耶穌如何為我們的罪而生並死在十字架上時,我對神的恩典和祂的犧牲感到驚訝。
1993 年我爺爺去世,那是我第一次面對死亡。他在去吃點心的路上摔倒後死於嚴重中風。他的突然去世讓我想知道生命究竟是什麼。人生的目的是什麼?如果每個人的最終歸宿都是死亡,那麼為什麼人要在生活中如此努力地去追求自己的人生目標?
「敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者就是聰明。」(箴言 9:10-12)