“Why We Believe – 信仰的根據” 信息系列

“Why We Believe – 信仰的根據” 信息Podcasts
“Why We Believe” Sermon Podcasts

Yan Tsui’s Story of Faith | 徐茵的見證

Hello, my name is Yan Tsui. When I was born, my mother left me with my grandma. However, I’m thankful for the love my grandma showed me, which made my childhood carefree and joyful. When I turned five, my grandma passed away, and it was then that I reunited with my mom. She brought me back home, and that’s when everything changed.

I became a quiet and introverted child, often lost in my own thoughts. Growing up was perplexing, and I couldn’t comprehend why my mother treated me the way she did. Our household was constantly filled with my parents’ arguments, creating a chaotic atmosphere. My mother used to call me Siu Ha, which sounded similar to Siu Han, implying that she wouldn’t mind if I weren’t there. I carried a heavy sense of being a burden to her. Consequently, I made every effort to be a well-behaved child, assisting with chores and caring for my younger siblings from a tender age. I began working at the age of 13 and entered into marriage at 22, hoping for a happy family, but life proved to be challenging. We frequently encountered conflicts and disagreements, burdening my heart with sorrow. At times, I found myself silently shedding tears in the quiet of the night, feeling the weight of life’s difficulties. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for the love and support I received from my in-laws and sister-in-law.

Then, I found Jesus, and it transformed my life. I no longer had to face life’s struggles alone. Instead, I learned to trust a loving and compassionate God. I believe He guides and cares for every aspect of my life. With God in my heart, I discovered inner peace and became a joyful person. I’m thankful for the church, the family of God, where we support and love one another. Undoubtedly, having faith in God doesn’t guarantee a trouble-free journey, but as I reflect, I see God’s quiet blessings and protective presence in every hardship. What’s even more precious is knowing that God is with us, and we hold on to eternal hope.

As Romans 15:13 beautifully expresses,

‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’

大家好,我叫徐茵。我一出世我媽就把我拋棄,放在外婆那兒,我從沒見過她。但感恩我有外婆疼愛,所以我一直是個無憂無慮快樂的小孩。直至5歲的時候,外婆走了,媽媽才接我回家。從此我變得不一様。我變得孤僻沈默,總是自言自語。我的成長過程中充滿迷惘和疑惑。我不明白媽媽為什麼要如此對我。家裡父母總是吵吵鬧鬧,混亂不堪。加上我媽改我的名字叫”少霞”,聽起來意思像是沒了也好閒,使我常感覺自己拖累了她。所以我好努力做一個乖孩子,年紀小小就帶著弟妹買菜煑飯。我13歲就出來工作,22歲結婚。我以為從此會有一個幸福家庭,誰知還是坎坷難過。彼此常有磨擦和紛爭, 心裡常常很難過。有時只能在半夜靜靜垂淚,感覺無夸坎坷,但感恩有公婆姑奶的疼愛。


正如羅馬書15: 13所說


“i Can do it – 凡事都能作” 信息系列

“i Can do it – 凡事都能作” 信息Podcasts
“i Can do it” Sermon Podcasts

“我們在天上的父” 信息系列

“我們在天上的父” 信息Podcasts
“Our Father in Heaven” Sermon Podcasts

Sermon Schedule 信息時間表:

  • 6/11/23:
    Knowing the Father
  • 6/18/23:
    完全的父 – 1
    The Perfect Father – 1
  • 6/25/23:
    完全的父 – 2
    The Perfect Fathers – 2
  • 7/9/23:
    作父的兒女 – 愛你的父
    God’s children – Love Your Father
  • 7/16/23:
    作父的兒女 – 事奉你的父
    God’s Children – Serve your Father

Yan Ting’s Story of Faith | 欣廷的見證

Hello, my name is Yan Ting.  I grew up in Hong Kong and San Jose, USA. I used to be very shy. I was afraid of almost everything! When I was young, my parents would take me to worship Buddha, but honestly, I didn’t enjoy it at all because I had no idea why we were doing it.

As I got older, life started feeling hopeless and joyless. It was tough because I didn’t have a great relationship with my parents. They would always scold me for not being good at anything. But despite all that, I still pitched in, helped my mom with the housework, and cared for my younger brother. All I wanted was to study hard and do well in Hong Kong, but my grades just didn’t measure up. That’s why my family and I ended up moving to the United States in 2001.

When I was in the twelfth grade in 2004, I met a classmate from China who invited me to church. Something amazing happened. One of the sisters there told me about the Gospel and how Jesus loved me so much that He died on the cross for me. It touched my heart; I prayed and believed in the Lord.

Ever since I started believing in the Lord, my life has changed. I feel so much hope and joy now. The Lord is with me, living in my heart. I read the Bible and pray daily, knowing that He hears my prayers and comforts me. Whenever I have a problem, He’s always there to help me solve it. 

When I was in high school, I had to learn English, and I was worried because my English skills were not that great. But then, I prayed and asked the Lord to help me improve my English. And God helped me! I ended up getting an A in English class! I can communicate with others and make new friends.  And I finally graduated from high school!

I give thanks to the Lord because He heard my prayers and answered them. Thank you, Lord!

大家好! 我叫欣廷。我在香港和美國聖荷西長大。我從前是個害羞和很少說話的人。我什麼都怕。我小時候跟父母去拜佛,但我很不開心,因為我不知道為什麼要拜它。長大後,我覺得人生沒有盼望和喜樂。我和父母關係不好,因為他們會罵我,罵我什麼都做不好。 但我仍會幫媽媽做家務和照顧弟弟。我在香港只想努力讀書,但是成績不佳,所以我和家人在2001年一起移民美國。



Sandy’s Story of Faith | Sandy 的見證

Hello, my name is Sandy. I have undergone two kidney transplants and one liver transplant, which involved over a dozen major and minor surgeries. It took a total of twenty years from my first kidney dialysis to my last kidney transplant. Those days were difficult, but God heard my prayers through it all.

My kidney problem began when I was only eight years old. In 1986, I moved to the United States from Hong Kong, and by 1998, I needed kidney dialysis. In 2004, I had a kidney transplant, but unfortunately, the new kidney was rejected, leading to four additional surgeries to remove the organ. From 2016 to 2019, I also had to undergo hydrops, which was incredibly painful due to the thickness of the needle used. Even blood transfusions became difficult because of my complicated blood type, which developed from multiple transfusions. Inserting the IV into my body also brought a lot of discomforts.

I used to be a negative person and often thought it would be better to get an injection and die rather than continue suffering. I also asked the question, “Why me?” “Why am I the one that needs to get sick?” However, over time, my perspective has changed. I now have faith that the Lord will give me the best, and I no longer take life for granted. If God allows me to live, I take each day as it comes.

A year after my dialysis, I found out that I was pregnant. During my pregnancy, I had to undergo a procedure under local anesthesia due to my kidney disease. I was only five months pregnant then and prayed fervently for my baby’s safety and a smooth delivery. Thanks to God, my baby was born healthy.  Looking back, I wonder how I was able to cope with all of these challenges. The answer is prayer! I knew that my brothers and sisters in the church were praying for me, and I leaned on God for the strength to face each day. Despite the difficulties of my illness, I longed to attend church and meet with my fellow believers. Worshiping and praying together with them brought me great joy. One time, while singing hymns and reading the Bible, I felt God speaking to me. He is infinite and glorious, yet He suffered and died for me, a mere human being. His love for me is what inspires me.

I was in need of a liver specialist to help me for a long time, but one department kept passing me off to another, and I was getting nowhere. Then, my nephrologist finally referred me to a liver specialist, and I believed he was God’s answer to my prayer.  He was very caring and took the time to discuss my case with the medical team, ultimately finding a suitable kidney and liver in the United States for me. In April 2019, I underwent a liver and kidney transplant in a single operation, and it was nothing short of a miracle. It’s not easy to find a compatible liver and kidney, let alone two organs that match at the same time. The operation was successful, thanks to God’s grace.

The surgery took place at the newest hospital in San Francisco, and I am so grateful for the excellent care I received there. All of the equipment was new, and I was able to recover in a private room, which helped me rest more comfortably. It’s now 2023, and over four years have passed since the transplant. I’m happy to say that my body has had no rejections or side effects, and I’m doing well.

I’m so thankful for God’s grace throughout these difficult years. His love has been my motivation to keep going, even when the physical pain was unbearable. I’ve had to endure many valleys, but I know that God has been with me every step of the way.

大家好,我叫 Sandy。我有過兩次換腎和一次換肝臟的經歷,當中經歷十幾次大小手術。由第一次洗腎到最後一次換腎總共二十年時間。這段日子真的不容易過,但神聽了我的祈禱。

我八歲時就開始有腎病。 1986年我由香港來美國定居。在1998年就開始需要洗腎。2004年我有機會可以換腎,但因為新的腎出現排斥,我要再做四次手術把器官拿出來。由 2016 至 2019年間,我還要抽肝積水。針好粗,刺得到我非常痛。而且輸血也十分困難。因為我已經輸血太多次數的原故,我的血種類變得複雜,要用很長時間才能找到適合的血來輸血。插IV 和插脖子的過程也很痛。

我以前是一個思想負面的人。我有想過不如打支針死了便算,可以不用再受痛苦折磨。洗腎的時候也曾想過為何偏偏是我 — 有腎病,要洗腎。但漸漸地我不再這樣想了。我的心態改變了。我信任主會將最好的給我。我感受仍然有生命並不是必然的。既然神給我一天的生命,我便活多一天吧。

洗腎一年後, 我發現我懷孕了。 在懷孕期間,因為我洗腎的緣故,需要做一個局部麻醉的手術,當時我的兒子在我肚子裡只有五個月大。我當時禱告他不要有事,能順利出世。感謝神能他平安無事地出世。回看這段日子我是如何經過的呢?我是如何有能力面對這一切呢?是禱告!我知道教會弟兄姊妹常常為我禱告,並且我倚靠神給我的力量走過每一天。在患病期間雖然辛苦,但我仍然很想去教會聚會,很想見弟兄姊妹。和他們一同敬拜,一同禱告,這是令我最快樂的事。有一次當我唱詩歌讀聖經的時候,我感受這位神向我說話。祂是那麼無限,那麼榮耀,但卻為我受苦受死。 祂是神,無必要為我這個微小的人而受苦。是祂的愛激勵了我。

我一直需要找一個能夠幫助我的肝臟科醫生,但總是由一個部門被推去另一個部門而不了了之。直到有一次我的腎科醫生介紹一個肝臟專科醫生給我。我相信這位醫生是神為我預備的,因為他非常有愛心,對我很好,並且他很替我着急。 他和醫療團隊商量要在美國找合適的腎臟和肝臟可以替我換。感謝神在2019年四月成功地一次過做到換肝和換腎的手術。這真是一個奇蹟!因為要分別找到合適我身體的肝和腎已經不容易。更何況要同一時間找到合適我的兩個器官更是難上加難。那次手術更是在三藩市的一間最新的醫院做,真的很感恩!一切儀器都是新的,而且可以一人住一間房,讓我可以休息得更好。直到2023年的今天,手術後已經過了四年多,我的身體仍然沒有任何排斥和副作用出現。


Stephen’s Story of Faith | Stephen 的見證

There is a story in the Gospel of John: Jesus once met a woman who lived in Samaria. She had a complicated life history and was often busy and burdened with life. Her life changed drastically after Jesus revealed to her that He was the living water she needed. I feel a similar connection with the story of this Samaritan woman. 

My name is Stephen. My story began 23 years ago.

When I was still in my 20s, a relative and a friend passed away one after another in my arms due to accidents. When all the instruments in the hospital’s ICU room stopped, that was the moment when their lives ended. Only their cold bodies remained on the bed. Soon my mom was also diagnosed with breast cancer. At that time, I was devastated and afraid that another loved one would die in my arms. All this happened so suddenly and later became a thorn in my heart. 

In the following years, I continued searching for life’s meaning. I had many questions: Is life really like the others saying, “A person dies like a lamp goes out“? or as one Emperor asked, “I was confused when I came, and then I was lost. I walked along the world once. Who was I before I was born? Who was I after I was born? Who was I when I grew up, and who was I when I closed my eyes?”

“Whereas you don’t know what your life will be like tomorrow. For what is your life? For you are a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” -James 4:14  

Four years later, by the grace of the heavenly Father, I met my wife and, at the same time, got to know the gospel. I started to read the Bible stories, and through the pastor’s explanation, I began to understand Jesus of the Bible more deeply. Whenever I read the Bible, I felt the gentle voice of Jesus calling me, “Come to me!”

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

After four years of marriage with my wife, God once again blessed me with two sons. When I held my youngest son in my arms, I saw and understood it.

He restores my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” – Psalm 23:3

My hands cannot hold back the life that was going away, but my hands can welcome new lives. Two people have died in my arms, and now God placed two new lives in my arms so that I can start a new life together with them.

As I am counting my blessings in my 40s, I no longer have that thorn in my heart. I am filled with indescribable gratitude whenever I look back and see through Heavenly Father’s grace. It turned out that the road I walked was always under the care of my heavenly Father.

As an eagle that stirs up her nest, that flutters over her young, he spread abroad his wings, he took them, he bore them on his feathers, Yahweh alone led him.  There was no foreign god with him .” – Deuteronomy 32:11-12

Choosing to follow Jesus has been the best decision of my life. If I had to choose again, I would follow Jesus without hesitation. Jehovah God is a God who gives life. His Word is mighty, wise, loving, and righteous. I sincerely invite you to learn and know this loving and gracious Jesus together. May God bless you even more!


我姓陳,大家叫我Stephen 。我的故事從23年前開始。


「其實明天如何、你們還不知道。你們的生命是甚麼呢.你們原來是一片雲霧、出現少時就不見了。 」- 雅各書4:14

四年後、蒙天父的厚愛,我認識了我的太太,透過她也同時接觸到福音。我開始閱讀聖經,而且透過牧師的講解,我開始更深地理解聖經中的耶穌。每當我讀聖經的時候,就好像有耶穌溫柔的聲音對我說 “來、你來我這裏!”

「凡勞苦擔重擔的人、可以到我這裏來、我就使你們得安息。」– 馬太福音11:28 


「他使我的靈魂甦醒、為自己的名引導我走義路。」– 詩篇23:3 

我的雙手無法挽留要走的生命,但是我的雙手卻可以迎接新的生命。曾經有兩個人在我懷裡離世,現在 神要將兩個新生命放在我的懷裡。並且要與他們一起經歷新生命的成長。


「又如鷹攪動巢窩、在雛鷹以上兩翅搧展、接取雛鷹、背在兩翼之上、這樣、耶和華獨自引導他、並無外邦神與他同在。」– 申命記 32:11-12 

選擇跟從耶穌是我一生中最正確的決定。若要我再選一次,我還會毫不猶豫地揀選跟從耶穌。耶和華上帝是一位賜生命的 神。祂的道滿有能力,智慧,慈愛和公義。我誠意地邀請您一起學習和認識這位滿有愛和恩典的耶穌。願上帝賜更大的福給您!

June’s Story of Faith | June 的見證

I accepted Jesus in 1999 while I was still in college. I was amazed by God’s grace and His sacrifice when I heard about how Jesus was born and died on the cross for our sins.

I first faced death when my grandpa passed away in 1993. He died from a major stroke after a fall on his way to Yum Cha—to have Dim Sum in a restaurant. His sudden death made me wonder about life and its purpose. If everyone’s final destination was death, then why do people work so hard their whole life to pursue their dreams and goals?

I was very happy and felt very blessed to get to know Jesus, whom I can rely on. Believing in God and following Him in my life revealed the purpose of life. I finally know that death is not the final destination. There is an afterlife and final judgment.

Jesus became my support and my guidance. I have to admit at the beginning of my faith journey that, I would love to experience the moments when God answered my prayers. Nevertheless, God wouldn’t answer every one of my prayers the way I wanted. I was upset in the beginning. However, the more I read the Bible, the more I got to know God, and my faith grew along with time. I realize God’s way is higher than my way. His wisdom is better than mine. I believe God has better timing and plan if He wouldn’t answer my prayers right at the moment I want.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10-12) 

I am very happy that I have God in my life, and I can grow in His words. May you get to know Him and find Him!

我在 1999 年接受了耶穌基督,當時我還是一名大學生。當我聽說耶穌如何為我們的罪而生並死在十字架上時,我對神的恩典和祂的犧牲感到驚訝。

1993 年我爺爺去世,那是我第一次面對死亡。他在去吃點心的路上摔倒後死於嚴重中風。他的突然去世讓我想知道生命究竟是什麼。人生的目的是什麼?如果每個人的最終歸宿都是死亡,那麼為什麼人要在生活中如此努力地去追求自己的人生目標?



敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者就是聰明。」(箴言 9:10-12)
