The Church of God in Oakland
was established in 1997 by a group of devoted Christians from the Church of God in Hong Kong, San Francisco, and Sacramento. We are a group of Christians who are passionate in sharing the love of Christ and the good news from God. We earnestly follow the teachings of the Bible to honor God, to help and care for people around us, and to help people live their lives to the fullest through the teachings in the Bible.

Care for the Community
We follow the teachings of Jesus to care about people around us. We offered tax services, social services consultation, vacation bible school, family fun events, and concerts for the community through our SHINE ministry.

A Place to belong
Over the years, our church has grown to about 100 members. Nevertheless, we are a big warm family. We celebrate diversity. We believe that all humans are created equal before God. Members of our church have different backgrounds, languages, and cultures. Our members range from little kids to senior citizens, with a wide variety of occupations, including students, workers, professionals, housewives, and retirees. Currently, we offer both Cantonese-speaking and English-speaking services.
We turned 25!
We just turned 25 in 2022! Check out our special 25th Anniversary page below.
是於 1997 年由一群來自香港,三藩市和沙加緬度神的教會虔誠的基督徒開始。我們是一群對生命充滿熱誠,樂意與人分享神的愛及傳揚福音的基督徒所組成。我們希望透過聖經的教導去幫助及關懷身邊有需要的人,去過有意義的人生,榮耀神。

除教會生活外我們更希望深入社區,關懷有需要的人。舉辦免費報稅服務,社福資詢日,假期兒童聖經班,繽紛嘉年華會及音樂分享晚會。希望透過 S.H.I.N.E. 計劃,藉著幻燈,表演,信息以及各項服務和活動,把基督的信,望,愛傳播到各階層人仕,更盼望更多的心靈能得到從神而來的喜樂和滿足。

25 週年
在2022年,我們慶祝了教會開展25週年 !請在下方查看我們的 25 週年特別頁面。